European Pharmacopoeia and medical gases

Continuous moisture detection and monitoring in medical and pure gases such as O2, thanks to our moisture monitor the DET H2O.
Continuous moisture detection and monitoring in medical and pure gases such as O2, thanks to our moisture monitor the DET H2O.

According to the monography n° 1238 « Medical Air » of the European Pharmacopoeia, the highest admittable water amount for an air qualified of « breathable » is of 67ppmV (dewpoint at -45°C).

Medical air (composed of 22% of oxygen and 78% of nitrogen) is used as a carrier gas to dilute anaesthetic substances such as Nitrous oxide.

This electrochemical measuremetn method gives very precise values (scale of 0,5ppmV) and between 0-10 or 0-1000ppmV, even in ppb according to the specificity of the request.

Case Study


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  • DET H2O : Electrolytic moisture monitor hygrometer

Standards, Approvals & Certifications

Various certifications available per product.