Research and tailor-made solutions, feasability study in 2 or 3 phases
Phase 1
Budget ≈ 30% of the order of the final solution.
- Bibliography
- Feasibility study
- Proof of concept
- Sample analysis
- Proposal of the best analytical solution
Phase 2
Budget ≈ 30% of the order of the final solution.
- Use of CHROMATOTEC demo equipment (for safe area)
- Development of the analytical method
- Software and firmware development
- On-site analysis of the customer sample with the system developed in the laboratory
Phase 3
Budget ≈ 40% of the order of the final solution or the total cost.
- Production of the final analytical system (automation, integration for explosive zones, industrial integration)
- Control/Quality of the peripheral instrument
- Installation & training on the customer site

Complex projects:
- Industrialization of laboratory analytical methods
- Design and manufacturing of newly developed systems
- Development of new analytical methods and systems for analytical requirements not available on the market
Multi-phase project strategy advantages
- Clear view given to customer from the beginning
- The project’s developments and advancements are communicated with complete transparency to the customer
- Decrease risk from both side with Go/No Go after each step

CHROMATOTEC knowledge for developing industrial analytical systems
Design office
Design of new analytical systems/ 3D printer for prototype manufacturing /
industrial and robust integration of analytical systems
Electronic & I.T.
IHM, Software and firmware developments
Analytical department
R&D department/ QC/ Customer service
- Development of analytical methods
- Validation of analytical performances for industrial applications
- Installation onsite with intensive training of customers
Case studies of successful multi-phase projects
Phase 1
- Definition of customer need: Design and manufacture an air-transportable GPC system for characterization of oil samples
- Feasibility study
- Proof of concept: Analysis of prototype analytical results on simple sample and comparison with laboratory system
- Proposal of the best analytical solution

Phase 2
- Manufacturing of specific prototype for the application
- Development of the analytical method
- Software and firmware development for continuous monitoring
- Analysis of real samples with customer and comparison with laboratory systems
Phase 3
- Manufacturing of industrial air transportable analytical system for characterization of oil
- Validation of system performance at customer site
- Validation of air transportable capabilities

Project completed : Development of transportable GPC system
- Validation at customer site
- Validation of air-transportable capabilities
R&D at the heart of our strategy
600k €
Annual investment in R&D
Engineers and technicians involved
230 m²
Laboratories for analytical and IT developments

Distribution and Sale of OEM Solutions
In addition to our tailor-made solutions, we also offer the distribution and sale of OEM products and solutions equipped with our proprietary technology, providing our clients with reliable, ready-to-use solutions.

Contact Us
If you have a project requiring a custom solution, do not hesitate to contact us. Our teams are ready to tackle your challenges and provide innovative and efficient chromatographic solutions, including liquid chromatography.
Contact Chromatotec today to discuss your specific needs and discover how we can help you achieve your goals.