Technical Specifications

- VOC analysis (20 ppb to ppm): Depending on the chosen application:
- Chlorinated solvents : dichloromethane, 1,2-dichloroethane
- Vinyl chlorides
- Aldehydes
- C1 to C6
- C6 to C12 (C6 to C40 for chromaFID-300)
- Benzene (3min) (except chromaFID-300)
- Amines
- Detection limit:
- Benzene : 20 ppb or 64 µg/m3
- Detection Range:
- 20 ppb to ppm levels
- % with internal loop valve (XXXVALVEHC)
- Relative Standard Deviation:
- < 0,3% over 48h (retention time)
- < 3% over 48 h (concentration)
- Results:
- Full result storage (data and graphics)
- Output 4-20 mA (option)
- Communication protocol MODBUS / JBUS or MGS1 (option)
- Cycle time:
- 3 up to 30 minutes depending on the application
- Gas supply:
- H2 (FID and carrier gas) : 30 mL/min (supply 2 bars ; 1/16″)
- Air (FID) : 180 mL/min (supply 3 bars ; 1/8″)
- Sample supply (sample pump) 1/8″
- Air (FID): 180 mL/min (inlet 3 bars ; 1/8’’)
- Pneumatic valve 90 mL/min commutation
- Sample volume:
- 50 to 500 µl (programmable)
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) analyzer
A GC/FID instrument for automatic, continuous analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (20 ppb to ppm).
Description :
The ChromaFID is a gas chromatograph dedicated to the analysis of VOC’s from 20 ppb to ppm levels. The analyzer enables the continuous monitoring of the concentration of VOC compounds from C1 to C12.
Principal :
- Automatic, continuous sampling through a sample loop.
- Injection of the loop sample into a temperature regulated metallic capillary column. The temperature and pressure of the column are regulated by the operating software.
- The detection of the VOC compounds eluted from the column is performed by an FID detection system.
Characteristics :
The chromaFID is equipped with an integrated PC comprising of the Vistachrom program. Before delivery, the instrument is tested and validated for a minimum of 1 week by our QC department.
The instrument is robust, compact and very low maintenance and
offers excellent result quality : repeatability, linearity, stability and sensibility (ppb).
VISTACHROM ® software :
Chromatotec developed software system allows :
- Remote monitoring.
- Full traceability through archiving of results and QC.
- Set up and control of threshold alarms.
- Export of data MODBUS / MGS1 / 4-20mA /0-10V.
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Standards, Approvals & Certifications