Technical Specifications

airTOXIC BTX PID - Analysis of BTEX and 1,3-butadiene
  • BTEX Analysis: Up to 8 compounds, including Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes (Ortho, Meta, Para), Cyclohexane, Styrene, with the option for 1,3-Butadiene and IAA.
  • Lower Detection Limit (LDL) in Automatic Mode: ≤ 0.01 ppb (0.0325 µg/m³).
  • Detection Range and Linearity for Benzene:
    • 3.25 to 3250 µg/m³ (0-1000 ppb)
    • 0.32 to 325 µg/m³ (0-100 ppb)
    • 0.032 to 32.5 µg/m³ (0-10 ppb)
  • Relative Standard Variation (Precision): Better than 0.3% over 48 hours (Retention Time) and better than 2% over 48 hours at 1 ppb (Concentration).
  • Other Features:
    • Variable Cycle Time (15, 20, 30 minutes)

Analysis of BTEX and 1,3-butadiene

A GC/PID for automatic monitoring of BTEX in air, water and soils.

This instrument uses a port valve with a single absorbent trap, and a 30 meter metallic 0.28 mm ID column.
Minimum detection level as low as 10 ppt for application Benzene or 1,3-Butadiene in ambient air.
Miniaturization, sensitivity, mobility and flexibility are its main features.
Everything from the sample port up to the data storage is integrated in a 19″- rack 5U.

MCERTS certified analyzer for benzene measurement following EN 14662-3 norms.

Programmed gradient temperature up to 202°c for the column oven and pressure/flow control of the carrier gas.
Linearity on area with R² > 0.995
European range : 0.45 to 45 µg/m3 = 0.1 to 14.5 ppb.

Before delivery the analyzer is tested for one week by our quality control department.
Photo ionization detector (PID), 10,6 eV lamp.
Self-cleaning of the lamp ensures high stability.
Bi-directional RS-232 C to transfer data and results to the internal computer.

Vistachrom software enables the user to view and store data on a industrial computer. It provides comfortable user-friendly utilities to recalculate, calibrate and export data and to configure the measurement.
The software allows the calculation of retention time, area, mass or concentration profiles, in any measuring unit.
Results output : different communication protocols available.

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