Technical Specifications

- BTEX analysis: 8 compounds
- 8 compounds with 7 peaks: Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, M+P Xylene, O Xylene, Cyclohexane* and Styrene*
- More VOCs in option: Naphtalene, Phenol, 1.3 Butadiene
- Detection Limit:
- Benzene < 20 ppt or 0,064 µg/m3
- Detection Range:
- 0,1 to 380 µg/m3 for Benzene
- standard amibient air monitoring 0 to 50 µg/m3
- Relative Standard Deviation:
- < 0.3 % over 48 h (retention time)
- < 3 % over 48 h (concentration)
- Results:
- Full result storage (data and chromatogram)
- Embedded computer Windows® based with LCD display
- 128 GB of Hardware storage on SSD memory
- 4 USB Connecting Port
- Two RS-232 ports
- Display: 10’’ TFT Color LCD
- MODBUS RTU / JBUS communication protocol
- Cycle time:
- 15, 20 or 30 min (A21022 BTEX Mcerts)
- 30 min (A21022 BTEX-B Mcerts)
- 20 min (A26022)
- Gas supply:
- H2 (FID and carrier gas): 30 ml/min (supply 2 bar ; 1/18’’ double ferrule
- Air (FID) : 180 ml/min (supply 3 bar ; 1/8’’double ferrule
- Sample supply (sample pump) 1/4’’double ferrule
- Pneumatic valve 90ml/commutation
Analysis of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, o,m,p Xylene, Styrene
A GC/FID instrument for BTEX monitoring in air, water and soil
Description :
The airmoVOC BTX is a gas chromatograph for the analysis and monitoring of trace amounts of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene (m/p/o) xylene by FID detection.
Principal :
Automatic sampling and concentration using an absorbent trap. Desorption from the trap and injection into a metallic capillary column regulated by a temperature gradient. The H2 pressure at the column head is controlled by a piezo valve.
The detection of all compounds eluting from the column is performed by a FID detector
Characteristics :
The airmoVOC BTX is equipped with an integrated PC comprising of the Vistachrom programme. The internal calibration allows automatic validation of results. (Certified Benzene tube at ± 10%).
The instrument is robust, compact and very low maintenance and offers excellent result quality : repeatability, linearity, stability and sensibility (ppt).
MCERTS certified analyzer for benzene measurement following EN 14662-3
VISTACHROM ® software :
Chromatotec developed software system allows :
- Remote monitoring
- Full traceability through archiving of results and QC
- Set up and control of threshold alarms
- Export of data MODBUS / MGS1 / 4-20mA /0-10V
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Standards, Approvals & Certifications