Technical Specifications

- Detection limits for H2S, SO2, DMS, MM, EM:
- LDL ≤ 0.1 ppm
- DMS STD ≤ 1.5 ppb(v)
- Detection range:
- 0/10 or 0/100 or 0/1000 (ppb or ppm)
- Calculation: Odor Index, Total Sulfur, Total mercaptans
- Relative Standard Deviation:
- RSD < 3 % on concentration over 48H
- RSD < 0.5% on retention time over 48H
- Results:
- Embedded computer Windows® based with LCD display
- 128 GB of Hardware storage on SSD memory
- Ethernet, remote control
- Cycle time:
- H2S, SO2, MM, EM, DMS, DMDS, DES 600s
- With special application following compounds can be added: IPM, TBM, NPM, 2BM, IBM, NBM, MES, THT and THT 1200s
- Linearity:
- 0.995 for all compounds
- Gas supply:
- Carrier: Dry air or N2 (3 bars): ≤ 4 ml / min.
- CALIB: in continuous ~ 50 ml / min.
- CALIB during validation ~ 250ml/min for M52 configuration
- Pneumatic valve 90ml/commutation
H2S, mercaptans and sulphides
The TRSMEDOR is an automatic and isothermal gas chromatograph dedicated to sulfur compounds analysis (H2S, mercaptans and sulphides) in different matrices.
Two versions exist : the TRSMEDOR ppm which measures at ppm levels and the TRSMEDOR ppb which measures at ppb levels.
More sensitive analyzers available upon request with special
Standards, Approvals & Certifications

ISO 19739:2004

DIN 51855/7

ASTM D7493-22

ASTM D7165-22