Technical Specifications

- Detection Limit:
- 50 to 100 ppb depending on application and number of products
- < 50 ppb with special application
- Detection Range:
- ppm or ppb
- Relative Standard Deviation:
- RSD < 3% on concentrations for 48H
- RSD < 0.6% on retention times for 48H.
- Results:
- Full result storage (data and graphics)
- Communication protocol MODBUS/ JBUS or MGS1 (option)
- Output 4-20mA (option)
- Cycle time:
- 10 to 15 minutes depending on the application
- Gas supply:
- He as carrier gas (inlet 3 bar; 1/8’’ swagelock or 50mL/min maximum)
- Input calibration at 1 bar: 1/8’’ swagelock for 50mL/min maximum
- Sample inlet at 1 bar: 1/8’’ swagelock for 20 to 50mL/min maximum
- Sample volume:
- Sampling flow rate (20-50mL/min)
- Injecting sampling loop 250µL to 1ml
Permanent gases analyzer
The continuous or discontinuous mode permanent gases monitor for laboratory or online.
A highly automated system for routine measurement of permanent gases on the range : ppb or ppm.
- Process : H2 / N2 / O2 / Ar / Kr / Xe / CO* / CO2 / CH4
- Quality control in pure gas
- Impurities in Hydrogen
- Substance tracer
- Gas input in tubing
- NH3 in ambiant air
- CO / *CO2 in ambiant air
- CO in *C2H4
- Impurities in CO2
* Can be analysed by chroma CO ( FID methaniser )
Chroma DID is easy to use for ppm and % range.
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Standards, Approvals & Certifications